2025 Calendar

We are proud to present our 11th fundraising vegan art calendar. All proceeds from the sale of our 2025 calendar are in aid of Animals Asia. Our calendar features vegan artists from 8 different countries.
Below are the images included in the calendar. **Please note that the calendar images appear here with 50% transparency and the month name on the image for purposes of the website. However, the calendar images are in full colour without transparency or the month names on the image.
Alev Art (Spain)
Original: 22,5×17,5 inches (digital illustration)
I thought of the moon bears in the sanctuaries, the captive ones, and the ones that have died because of the horrible practices that led to their capture in the first place. They all were probably dreaming of a better place, this is what I wanted to portray. May the sanctuaries we seek to help with this project keep giving them just that.

Spacecat (Netherlands)
Just a bear free to enjoy life and beauty.
Original artwork: 28,58 x 22,23 cm (ink + markers on paper, digital collage) FOR SALE
Beth Lynne Gregerson (USA)
When I paint commissioned pet portraits, I strive to capture the personalities of the animals to help convey their sentience to viewers so they feel a connection as well as compassion and kindness.
Original artwork: 8.5”x 11” (watercolour and acrylic)

Lisa Goldberg (USA)
Original artwork: 14″ x 11″ (mixed media on watercolour paper)
It was when I learned that the 2025 Art of Compassion calendar would benefit Animals Asia that I learned what bear bile farming is. The lifelong imprisonment in tiny cages of so many beautiful bears is heartbreaking. Animals Asia’s work to build sanctuaries, rescue hundreds of bears, and raise awareness over the past quarter of a century has been extraordinary. Now, after years of tireless campaigning, they’ve succeeded in influencing the Vietnamese government to agree to close down this horrendous industry altogether in that country. All that remains is to complete the construction of their second sanctuary there. I was moved to paint this Moon Bear as I learned about these fun-loving, sensitive, social bears and what they’ve endured for generations, and even more when I understood how very close Animals Asia is to freeing all of the remaining 300 bears in captivity. I wanted to show this bear in a way that would hopefully give the viewer a felt sense of her inner life, a sense that she, like all bears, is a sentient individual with the capacity for joy and suffering and so much more.
Beth Lily Redwood (USA)
Original: 11.25×8.75 inches (Digitally enhanced photograph)
While millions of precious cats are facing dire threats to their lives and wellbeing, rescued cats Charlie and Gracie were blessed to be welcomed into a loving home. On one special day, the two friends enjoyed a tea party in the garden where they loved to hang out. These cats are just one example of the immense amount of love and sweetness they have to give when they are treated with kindness and respect and know they are safe with the family where they belong.

Nicola McLean (Scotland)
Original: 11.25” x 8.75” (digital illustration)
I created this illustration a while ago after watching a TV show called Bears About The House about a charity called Free the Bears in Laos. The treatment of these beautiful creatures on bear bile farms is abhorrent and I was moved to tears watching the lucky ones who were rescued as they experienced freedom and safety.
Katrīna Tračuma (Latvia)
Original: 3375 by 2625 pixels (digital illustration) FOR SALE
2025 is the year of the serpent and in Chinese culture the snake is the most enigmatic animal of the zodiac. ‘Animals Asia’ is an organisation that campaigns for captive animal welfare issues. An unfortunately wide array of exotic animals, used for entertainment and tourism, face cruelty at the hands of humans – amongst them are also snakes. Which are also often used in many countries across Asia as a food source and for traditional medicine purposes. The sunbeam snake (of the genus Xenopeltis) in particular is found in Southeast Asia. It is nocturnal and burrows in the mud and decaying vegetation of rice paddies, marshes, and ditches. As a result, it is rarely seen except on cloudy or rainy days. Although China does not have an “official” national flower, the tree peony can be regarded as a national favourite – thus featuring prominently in this work, in three different varieties.

Troy Fox (UK)
Original: A3 size 29.7 x 42 cm (watercolour) FOR SALE
After being a long time supporter of Animals Asia, I was excited to make a piece of artwork for them. My painting is inspired by the many success stories and rescues who are now living peaceful, happy lives, the many photos and videos of the rescued bears over the years and the dedication from the teams who put so much effort into saving and making sure these animals have happy lives after all the horror they have been through. I hope this piece captures the hope that there is a chance for these bears to be bears again.
Bonnie Leeman (USA)
Original: 30cm x 26cm approx (Mixed media pyrography on wood) FOR SALE
This painting was inspired by the plight of Asiatic bears – particularly the ‘Moon Bear’ – which are cruelly exploited for their bile for medicinal purposes. As the practice of bile farming is so heavy a subject, I wanted to create a playful illustration of a bear with a human hand. This symbolizes the care and protection I hope charities like Animals Asia will continue to provide for the bears still suffering in this industry.

Lynda Bell (New Zealand)
Original: 59.4 x 84.1 cm (acrylic on canvas)
This painting was painted to capture the joy and innocence of animals when they are living their best life – focusing on animals who live in Asia.
Ufo Reptil (Mexico)
Original: 3375pxX2625px (digital art)
A life of happiness and tranquility is possible even if sometimes it doesn’t seem like it.

Denise みか Hutchins (USA)
Original: 12 x 9” (Ink, watercolor, and gouache on 300 lb cold press watercolor paper)
When viewers see this image, I hope they will be cheered, delighted, and tempted to indulge in delicious vegan pies during the holiday season. I originally created this piece as a Thanksgiving greeting card. It features my adopted cat, Kiki, whose name at the shelter was Cherry, hence why she is riding on a cherry pie! Through this piece, I would like the world to realize and rejoice in the fact that we can still enjoy our delicious and cozy holidays, gatherings, and traditions, all without harming our non-human siblings ?
Jayney Art (UK)
Original: 30cm x 40cm (oil on canvas) FOR SALE
Michael and Sindy are a pair of moonbears rescued by Animals Asia from the cruel bear bile farming industry. Up to 10,000 bears are kept prisoner their entire lives in tiny cages around Asia to provide bear bile for the traditional Asian medicine industry – it is thought the bile is good for liver and gallbladder conditions in humans. The bears are kept in extreme confinement, suffering painful and cruel procedures which cause terrible psychological and physical suffering. Animals Asia’s aim is to rescue all bears from this terrible industry, to rescue and rehabilitate the bears and give them a second chance at a natural life. The charity also educates the public about herbal and synthetic alternatives which are just as effective at treating these medical conditions.