Jodie Beckford

Westdorpe, Netherlands


Jo Beckford likes to call herself A Brit Adrift because while her British heritage may form the basis of her cultural identity as both an artist and a writer, she has spent most of her life outside of the UK. From a small farm in South Africa to a village in a forgotten province of The Netherlands, she has always been happiest living close to nature and in the company of animals.

After being vegetarian for over a decade, she switched to veganism in 2016 when she read about the horrors of the bio-industry and how marketing is used to enable and enforce cognitive dissonance and wilful ignorance in consumers. In her art and writing she tries to depict a world in which compassion for the planet and its creatures is the only way forward. She is currently working on a number of projects in which veganism and animal welfare are major themes.

Available for commissions.

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